A Mom’s Journal of Autism With Her Daughter

Today, I wanted to share an amazing mom’s journey with her daughter who has autism. I have the wonderful joy to work with her and her sweet family. After I met Bri in December, I poured over this book, devouring it within two or three days, amidst Christmas company, Santa, and the busiest time of the year. If you are new to autism or have a child on the spectrum, this books will help you realize you are not alone. If you are a professional or are in school to become a professional in the field, this book will give you insight into a family’s life with autism. Thank you, Sgt. Mom for sharing your journal and journey!

An April Resolution for 2014…

20140404-230832.jpgWhen I took my Christmas tree down a few weeks ago, I found a beautiful ornament that was given to me by a student I taught. I was so touched by the quote that I wanted to share it and pose it as a resolution for myself as well as parents and teachers alike for 2014.

The quote reads: “One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.” Helen Keller

Spend 2014 pushing your child or student to soar to new places and limits. The more we expect, the more we will see achieved. Happy April 2014 and I can’t wait to see what our little kiddos can achieve this year!


Across the Spectrum Autism/Asperger Conference 2014

Across the Spectrum PicDuring spring break, Lisa Gerard and I attended the Across the Spectrum Autism/Asperger Conference in Atlanta, GA. The 2 day conference was filled with great breakout sessions, keynote speakers, and inspirational individuals with disabilities. The sessions ranged from picky eaters to LAMP strategies for communication, video modeling, teenagers on the spectrum, and lots more!

Dr. Glenis Benson was the keynote Thursday morning and focused on communicative intent of challenging behaviors. She stated “if they could do better they would do better” indicating that children on the spectrum are not trying to be naughty when using challenging behaviors to communicate. It was encouraging to hear another professional focus so much energy on the communicative intent behind the challenging behavior. It is so important to not only describe and identify the behavior, but really focus on understanding why it is occurring. I was working with a preschool client the other day who was trying to jump out of his chair. If I had not taken the time to try and understand the behavior, I would not have understood that he was wanting to pick something up he dropped and I would have thought he was just trying to escape his work. If I had not understood, I may have kept him in his chair leading to a huge meltdown that could have been avoided. By focusing on what he was trying to communicate, we avoided unnecessary challenging behaviors and/or meltdowns.

Alexis Wineman, Miss Montana 2012, spoke Friday morning and shared her story. She talked about the challenges of the Miss America pageant as an individual on the spectrum and how she did not request accommodations. She currently attends college, but made sure the audience knew that she was not cured from autism and meltdowns, but has learned how to thrive with her disability.

The conference was a wonderful reminder of how much we need to push individuals to reach their potential as well as taking the time to understand behaviors individuals have and why those behaviors may be occurring. I have already marked my calendar for the 2015 conference!

WLBT talks to Jackson Autism Center about new Autism rates released from CDC

WLBT news reporter C.J. LeMaster came out to Jackson Autism Center to interview Dr. Rebecca Mullican and Mrs. Jingle Alimot, a parent of a child with autism, about the recent reported increases in rates of autism released from the CDC. The rates are said to be 1 in 68 and were released Thursday, March 27, 2014.

Light it Up Blue with Communication

For April 2 only, the LAMP Words for Life app will be half off. This app is an incredible tool that individuals with autism can use as well as school districts and classrooms should have available.

Dr. Rebecca Mullican uses this app at Jackson Autism Center on an iPad to assist with communication. She has gone through the extensive training and am also a LAMP certified professional, one of three in the state of Mississippi.

If you would like to find out more about the app or how it can help your child communicate, please complete a contact form. Let’s start communicating now!

New Prevalence Rates of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Time for Autism Awareness Month

How many kids are on the autism spectrum? According to the CDC, 1 in 68…with boys 1 in 42 and girls 1 in 189! This is an increase from 1 in 166 in 2000. You can read more about this increase here.

What are a few early signs that parents should be looking for?

  • Atypical eye gaze- may look at you, but not as often or as long as other children
  • Impaired social interaction- seems more engaged with toys than with people
  • Language challenges- may not hit talking milestones, repeating what is said to him/her, or may not understand all that is being said around him/her
  • Intense interests
  • Sensory integration challenges
  • Behavioral challenges- may have meltdowns for no apparent reason.

These are just a few and just because your child shows a few of these signs does not mean that he/she has an autism spectrum disorder. If you are concerned, talk to your pediatrician or schedule an appointment.

Ribbon Cutting at Jackson Autism Center

Jackson Autism Center is proud to announce our ribbon cutting will correspond with Autism Awareness Month! Please join us Thursday, April 3 at 10:30 am for our ribbon cutting and open house. I can not think of a better way to start off April and Autism Awareness month than by celebrating one of the few centers in Mississippi focused on improving lives of individuals with autism and other related disabilities. I am looking forward to continuing to serve families in Mississippi who are affected by autism. Check back daily in April to read positive stories about autism, receive tips for daily living, and other helpful information.

Southeastern “Across the Spectrum” Conference Scholarships Available

I just received an email stating that the Southeastern “Across the Spectrum” Autism/Asperger Conference and Expo in Atlanta, GA, has 20 scholarships available for parents to attend the conference for $50! The coupon code is spectrum.

I am looking forward to attending this conference March 13-14, 2014. Check out the conference here. I hope to see you there!

Help Pass the Autism Insurance Reform Bill

It is an important time for families and professionals as Mississippi looks at the Autism Insurance Reform Bill. The bill has passed the house of representatives and is headed to the senate. This is the time to send emails and urge your senators and to vote to help kids with autism receive the therapies they need to improve their quality of life! The services Jackson Autism Center provides such as behavior intervention as well as social skills classes and toilet training classes are improving home and school life for many individuals. Wouldn’t it be awesome if some or all of these services were covered under insurance allowing more kids and individuals with autism to access these services?! Autism Speaks has made it super easy- I would ask you to include your personal story at the top of the emails to help show how important this is to you and WHY.  Send an email now! Tell Lt. Gov. Reeves to schedule a hearing and get this bill passed!