“Signing Time” Is a Gem of Communication

I learned about this resource while working on my dissertation and have been thrilled with the videos and apps provided by Two Little Hands Productions. Sign language is one of the frequently used augmentative and alternative communications (AAC) that allows children on the autism spectrum to begin communicating. The videos use repetition, explanation, singing, and video modeling of signs to help kids learn words they can use to communicate. There are two levels also- Baby Signing Time and Signing Time to help best meet the needs of children wherever their language may be currently.

I have used Signing Time’s Potty Time materials multiple times and have been very impressed with them. The song is catchy- you will be singing and signing it in no time! Thank you Rachel, Leah, Alex, and Hopkins, for helping improve communication!

April Activities at Jackson Autism Center

There are some exciting events coming up at Jackson Autism Center! There will be two support group meetings on Saturday, April 19: for parents of children 2-8 at 9:30 and parents of children 9+ at 10:45. These meetings will gauge interest in support group meetings and get information about what help and support families need.Our open house will be Wednesday, April 23 from 4:00-7:00. Please come see the center and meet Dr. Rebecca Mullican.  We look forward to seeing you!

There will be a couple of special activities posted soon for the kids. Keep checking back to find out more information!

Challenger League Baseball Registration Going On Through Valentine’s Day

DSC07642 One of my favorite times of year is coming up quickly…challenger league baseball season! Just as the school year begins to draw to a close, kids with disabilities from around the Jackson Metro area will have an opportunity to participate in a sport that many kids enjoy- baseball! Baseball days in the Challenger League allow all kids to play, from batting to running the bases and catching balls in the field. Let’s get ready to…PLAY BALL!

Register by Friday, February 14 by clicking RCL reg form.


Dr. Rebecca Mullican Named an “Autism Light for Mississippi”

Recently, Dr. Rebecca Mullican was added to a list of “Autism Lights” for Mississippi. Alan Stokes, author and father of a child with autism, started putting together a list of autism lights for every state in the United States. The lists vary from individuals with autism to individuals who help make the lives of people with autism better. Dr. Rebecca Mullican was added to this list June 5, 2013.

This is what Mr. Stokes had to say: “Dr. Rebecca Mullican is an Autism Light because of the impact her diverse autism work is having to improve the lives of those with autism and to inspire and teach those who will one day work with those with autism..” You can read more about Dr. Rebecca Mullican here and search the Autism Lights website for other individuals who have had an impact on autism throughout the United States or internationally.

Jackson Restaurant Week Picks a Charity

From September 29-October 12, every time you eat at participating Jackson restaurants, you have the chance to vote for a charity to receive $10,000. Being a part of the community that works with individuals with disabilities, I am really excited to see 2 charities that assist individuals with disabilities! Hope Hollow Ministries and Magnolia Speech School are both in the running for the grand prize money. Deborah Edmonson, the executive director of Hope Hollow said they would spend the money serving more children and adults with special needs. Dr. Tina Atkins, the executive director of Magnolia Speech School, said they would spend the money upgrading their library to have more leveled readers for their students and a computer system to manage the books. Both of these are exciting opportunities to help within our community.

Regardless of which charity you decide to vote for, get out and eat! Cast your votes for one of these organizations and help raise awareness about the needs of individuals with disabilities. You can find a list of restaurants here.

Building Partnerships…Working Together Conference Jackson, MS

After I signed up for this conference, I wanted to make sure everyone knows about it! Dr. Emily Rubin will be here as the keynote speaker which is super exciting along with many other speakers. Dr. Emily Rubin is a coauthor of the SCERTS model, which I am a big fan of- SCERTS combines teaching social communication and behavioral skills with child-centered activities while also focusing on how parents and professionals can better meet the needs of individuals with an autism spectrum disorder.

The conference will be held in Jackson, MS March 4-5, 2013 at the Jackson Convention Center. The fee is only $25 and there are stipends available for parents through the MSPTI. Encourage your teachers to attend also! This is a great opportunity for parents, teachers, school districts, etc. to learn more in order to facilitate the best opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Jackson Autism Center will have a table, so please stop by and visit.

Ridgeland Challenger Baseball League Now Accepting New Players for 2013

One of my favorite times of the year is coming soon- springtime. Along with spring, comes one of my favorite activities: baseball. The Ridgeland Challenger League allows all individuals with disabilities to participate in the baseball season. It has been my joy and honor to play alongside these guys for several years now. Kids can begin at age 5 and play into adulthood. The kids have a genuine baseball experience- down to the heat and sweat that comes with Mississippi summers. However, the League prides itself in allowing children, youth, and adults participate in ways that they are comfortable. On the youngest field, it sometimes looks more like practice in order to keep kids engaged in the game. You may see a dad and his son throwing the ball in the outfield or playing chase. A season of Challenger League baseball always comes with “firsts” – I have seen children hit their first baseball, run the bases independently, and slide into home. It never ceases to amaze me to see the difference between the first game and the last one.

To register your child, click on RCL reg form. Don’t forget to turn it in before February 15, 2013 to ensure your child’s place on a team!


Special Needs Symposium in Ridgeland, MS

I found out some exciting news yesterday afternoon. Parents and Kids Magazine is hosting a special needs symposium AT NO COST to families of young children with special needs (birth-twelve years) at Covenant Presbyterian Church Thursday, January 31! This is a great way to meet other families who may be at similar stages as your family, find out about different services available, and receive support from professionals and families alike. Jackson Autism Center will have a booth, so please stop by and visit. The flyer below includes all of the information you need. Registration is required, so act fast.

Flyer – Special Needs Symposium 2013